LifeStraw Give Back Campaign, 2025!
This year, LifeStraw chose to focus their support in Homa Bay County, Kenya. This partnership with Replenish added 238 schools to the 195 schools currently being served in this area. What a blessing it was to be a part of the training and distribution with the Homa Bay Team and LifeStraw volunteers from around the world!
Each team spent the week traveling to 3 schools per day delivering a total of 990 LifeStraw Community filters to 238 schools on the priority lists developed through the Homa Bay LifeStraw team and the Ministry of Education team! Each visit created special memories as the students greeted us with songs and poems, and as we provided training, we were able to bond with the students and teachers through song and dance as well as playing games! Our Replenish team was also able to visit some of the schools already included in our ongoing Lifetime LifeStraw program with the Nairobi Replenish LifeStraw team! Through our work together, we are reminded of the blessing it is to serve God by supporting health and life through the gift of clean water as we not only realize the impact of the week, but also understand the impact for years to come as we shared God's love by providing this sustainable resource!
As we reflect on the past, present, and plan for the future, we look at the many opportunities we have to implement our three-fold mission: serving God by sharing His love, providing clean water by providing purification resources, and educating the community through outreach events. As we celebrate our accomplishments, we thank those of you who choose to be a part of our mission, we look forward to the work ahead, and we give God the glory for His extraordinary work through Replenish as He continues to guide and bless our mission!

Clean water today means hope for tomorrow.
Faith combined with action can change the world. Give the gift of clean water.
Through our partnership with LifeStraw, Replenish is transforming lives by distributing community filters in schools, churches, orphanages, and clinics.
Your giving matters. Your tax-deductible donation goes directly to provide clean water for those in need. Join us by donating to any of our current projects, by making a purchase from our store, or by creating your own fundraiser. You can make a difference with a gift of any amount! Together we bring hope to individuals, families, and communities. Be a part of the ripple effect!
Current Projects
Lifetime LifeStraw-Adopt a School
Water & The Word
Community Involvement
Replenish exists for both the global and domestic communities. While Replenish serves the global community through sharing the love of God through clean water resources, the domestic communities are impacted through community events and involvement. Participants are invited to share the mission of Replenish in a variety of ways. Through presentations to schools, churches, and service clubs as well as through community events, Replenish shares the mission by spreading the message of ways to impact the need for clean water resources globally as well as ways to appreciate, conserve, and manage water resources domestically.
Educational Resources
As many organizations share the purpose of educating the community about water conservation and management as well as the global water crisis, Replenish has compiled a list of resources available through website links to these resources. The range of content is varied by the potential user’s need such as lesson plans for teachers and parents, water activities and projects for groups, and water facts, information, and statistics for those seeking general knowledge.
Stay connected with us.
Join us on Facebook to stay connected and updated about our shared mission of Replenish as we respond to needs of local, national, and global communities...together. Thank you for your support of our lifesaving efforts through prayer and donations!